Journey For More

Talk. Listen. Learn. Grow. Life is a journey, but we don’t have to do it alone. Join me on the Journey for More — building community one conversation at a time.

Josh Martin is a Columbia University grad who has a passion for art, music, travel, style, financial literacy, education, and social activism… and oh yeah, he also happens to be a professional football player for the New York Jets of the NFL. When he’s on the gridiron, Josh’s primary goal is winning football games. However, when the game is over, Josh aims to live life to the fullest. Josh has a constant desire for more. More knowledge, more experiences, more everything. Join Josh and his guests as they cover a myriad of topics with fresh and differing perspectives. Guests may include his friends, his teammates, or experts on a topic, but no matter who joins Josh, you will leave wanting more.


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